Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A hole in the armor...

Well...I must say that today may have been the toughest day to date in this whole experience. It seems I have looked at this as a small 'bump' in the path of my life when it actually has been quite big. I think maybe twice during this time I have come to tears(with one of those being a clear lesson in empathy towards the emotional roller coaster women experience) and today added another. Not quite sure what brought it on. It could have been the test in class today that I had no idea about and left knowing it was not good. Maybe it was mom calling earlier this week to say she may have thyroid issues now as she visited the doctor. Or maybe in the back of my mind knowing the results of the scan are due anytime. Could also be that I have not really grieved in this whole process and it is finally surfacing. Whatever it caused it...Thank you Lord, because I need it, and I need to continue to do it.

My sister called this morning and she heard me tearing up. Thanks for listening sis. Today was also, what I described, as the most discouraging day, like a spirit of discouragement was upon me. Thanks to my life long brothers in the faith in Central Texas and the Dallas area that responded to my text for prayers. I don't know what I would do without you guys! God has blessed me with some truly Godly friends!

I bought a new album on itunes yesterday and finally got to start listening to it today. It is Switchfoot's new album, Hello Hurricane. Great album! I think the band wrote this album to address the storm of life that we face and how they toss us around. The songs give alot of hope in those situation we face that toss us around. Exactly what I needed to hear today.

"What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul." Jewish proverb

So much more to say, but I will save it for another day.

Love you all!


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