The first week of the diet, I felt pretty good. I rather thought my energy level would drop off pretty quick, but that didn't really happen. Then a week passed, and Sunday I felt a bit odd. Monday hit and wow did I feel tired. Not so tired I couldn't function, but I could tell I was hypo (that is low thyroid). Everyday feels a little different. Somedays energy is good, some days...I could fall asleep standing. Incredible to think how a small little organ can produce so much. God really knew what he was doing when he created man!
Monday marks the day of Radiation! I guess it will be to late to make that my Halloween costume. I still have to confirm tomorrow for sure that Monday is the day, but I will take the drink or whatever it is, and I think drive home and then lock the door for a week until the following Monday. At that point, I will go in for a full body scan and then back to a normal diet. I got real tickled tonight, as I have class on Tuesday nights with this night being our last class. As I was driving home I started to think of ice cream and how easy it would be to stop by Wild About Harry's and get a small cup of custard. Then I started to think what would be the first thing I would eat on that Monday when freedom returns. All I could think of was a giant bowl of queso and an even bigger bowl of salted chips. I better stop talking about food or I might just get myself in trouble.
Today was also blood draw day. I guess they need to see if I am low enough in the iodine area for treatment. I have been thinking also about what will I do for the week in isolation. My dad called and said to get him a list of movies for him to gather for me. Also, there is studying for a test I have to take online next week. Books and notes to read for another class. I will work online from home also as I can use the laptop and cell phone. I also think alone time in studying the word of God is needed. My dad mentioned to me that this could be a good time for my own wilderness experience away from the world, except that is hard to do when you are right next to HWY 75/Central Expressway. Sirens, car brakes, car crashes all day long. We'll see what I can get done.
Sorry, this was a boring post, but I assure you something exciting will happen one way or another. Good night and God bless!
Thanks for the update, BroJ! In addition to healing, I'll be praying specifically for a blessed time of reflection, spritual growth and revelation. I'm with your Dad on the wilderness experience concept.....sirens and all. Blessings, to you! And SERIOUSLY, call if you need anything.